BATON ROUGE – The Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC) will host a variety of upcoming programs throughout the parish specifically designed for teens. All in-person programs will follow social distancing guidelines and require a face mask for the safety of all patrons, however, please note that the details of some programs may be altered closer to the event date if Covid-19 restrictions are changed further. Potential changes will be updated on
Teens are invited to BREC’s Teen Video Game Nights every Tuesday from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at North Sherwood Forest Community Park. Participants will compete in a series of competitive video games such as (Madden NFL football series, NBA2K, etc.) on PlayStation or Xbox. There will also be tournaments where the winner will receive a prize. For more information or to register, visit or email mckinley.williams@brecorg.
Looking for something to do after school? If so, then join us for Virtual Total Teen Kickback every Thursday from 3:30-5:40 p.m. This program gives teens an opportunity to kickback in an environment just for teenagers in an age group setting. Teens will get a chance to socially interact with each other through an hour of virtual hangout time which may include activities such as team building and interactive social games. While this program may transition to an in-person atmosphere in the future, it will remain virtual for the time being. For more information or to register, visit or email mckinley.williams@brecorg.
BREC’s Adaptive Recreation group invites teens with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for Virtual Teen Nights every Monday and Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. through Dec. 16 for art, games, exercise and more! Beginning in January, Teen Nights will be going hybrid! Participants are invited to join us from 6-7 p.m. at the North Sherwood Forest Community Park or on Zoom for a variety of activities including cooking, art, exercise and more. For more information, visit or email
Get ready for this month’s Virtual Adaptive Sunshine Social – Olaf’s Winter Wonderland for teens and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities on Dec. 18 from 6-8 p.m. This program will continue in 2021 on the third Friday of every month from 6-8 p.m. on Zoom. Participants can log in and listen to their favorite tunes and dance the night away with their friends! For more information, call visit or email
Join BREC every second Saturday of the month from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. from December to April for Teen Pop Up & Unplug. Teens ages 11-17 are invited to join us, decompress and engage in fun physical activities while practicing social distancing with BREC on The Geaux and Health and Wellness activities with Our Lady of the Lake Health Centers in Schools. Activities will include Fitness Bingo, Ninja Course, musical activities and more. Registration is free, but participants must preregister to secure your spot at The complete program schedule is below and participants can email or for more information.
Dec. 12 / Lovett Road Park
Jan. 9 / Forest Community Park
Feb. 13 / Anna T. Jordan Community Park
March 13 / Independence Community Park
April 10 / Zachary Community Park
Do you have the skills, coordination and training to beat other gamers? Participants ages 10 and older are invited to join BREC for a 5-game series of online and in-person eSports tournaments beginning at noon on Jan. 23 at North Sherwood Forest Community Park. Details will be emailed upon registration and can also be found on our Discord sever BREC Online Tourny. All champions will receive prize packets. The registration deadline is noon on Jan. 22 and space is limited, so register today! The complete tournament series schedule is below and participants can email to register or for more information.
Jan. 23 / North Sherwood Forest Community Park: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Feb. 20, Online: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
March 20, Milton J. Womack Park: Mario Kart 8
April 17, Online: Mario Kart 8
May 15, Forest Community Park: Rocket League
All tournaments begin at Noon
$5 in person; Free online
Registration Deadline: Noon, Friday before the tournament