BATON ROUGE, La. —Glenn Curtis, the top administrator of East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor Sharon Weston Broome, announced that the mayor would ask the Metro Council for $178,320 to hire an additional assistant chief administrative officer. The new ACAO will serve as a liaison between the mayor’s office and all offices under the Metro Council. The proposed amount includes salary and benefits, with all ACAOs earning $129,404 annually. Currently, there are three ACAOs on Broome’s staff. The proposal will be introduced at the next meeting scheduled in two weeks.
Additionally, other proposals to be introduced this week include appropriating $1.1 million and authorizing Broome’s office to spend up to $1.35 million with Beveridge & Diamond for legal representation in federal Clean Water Act claims and Darryl Hurst’s proposal to add a council member to the board that selects engineers and surveyors for public projects.
The council will vote on applying for an $11.1 million grant for the Airport Passenger Loading Bridges Project and authorizing Broome’s office to enter a $900,000 professional services agreement with Build Baton Rouge for an economic development program to eliminate blight and promote economic development throughout East Baton Rouge Parish.
The council will also hear reports about traffic mitigation measures during the Interstate 10 widening construction and potential city-parish liability regarding law enforcement pursuits and executing arrest warrants. The council will meet at 4 p.m. on Wednesday at City Hall.