BATON ROUGE - State officials announced Louisiana has widened the eligibility pool for the COVID vaccination to people as young 16 years old, so long as they have a pre-existing condition.
The new group includes those ages 16 to 64 who have a host of conditions that could increase their risk of more severe COVID-19 infections.
Those ages 16 and above will be eligible for the Pfizer vaccine and those who are 18 and above can get the Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccines, if they have one or more of the following conditions:
• moderate to severe asthma
• cerebrovascular disease
• hypertension or high blood pressure
• immunocompromised state from blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids or use of other immune weakening medicines
• neurologic conditions, such as dementia
• liver disease
• cystic fibrosis
• overweight
• pulmonary fibrosis
• thalassemia
• type 1 diabetes mellitus
Anyone of age who works in a congregate shelter, such as a jail or group home, can also get the vaccine.